Collaborative Assessments

Collaborative Assessments

Include everyone in the supply chain

Our innovative approach ensures the right people provide the key information and human oversight, helping to deliver accuracy, minimise disputes and meet reasonable care.

Speak with an expert

Trusted by thousands of proactive businesses every day

  • Multiplex logo
  • AAB logo
  • Bristol City Council logo
  • La Fosse logo
  • PGA logo
  • Petrofac logo

Essential human oversight

Assessment information is collated from the most relevant parties, including the client, agency, HR/Legal and the contractor. This necessary human oversight and approval process helps to maximise precision and demonstrate reasonable care has been taken.

Collaborative Assessments overview
IR35 Shield Status Determination Statement

Get the IR35 status of a role, quickly

A reduced question set allows you to quickly determine the likely status of a role, and advertise the engagement. Once the right contractor is found, a full Status Determination Statement is just minutes away.

Collaborative Assessments teamwork

Efficiency and avoiding errors

Our component-based approach removes duplication of effort and locks down pre-approved answers, all helping to deliver efficiency, accuracy and reduce manual error.

Dashboard showing Collaborative Assessments Collaborative Assessments teamwork