IR35 Shield
Case Study
La Fosse Associates
About La Fosse Associates
La Fosse Associates is an agency specialising in the provision of IT, digital and change recruitment solutions. The company sources talent for clients ranging from small technology start-ups to large multinational companies, covering contract, interim and permanent positions.
As a result of the extension of the off-payroll legislation to the private sector, La Fosse is seeking to supplement its own in-house IR35 expertise with a solution that enables the timely delivery of accurate status assessments, ensuring supply chain compliance while minimising its administrative burden.

Supplementing existing expertise with efficiency
As an industry-leading recruitment solutions provider, many clients look to La Fosse for assistance with off-payroll compliance. La Fosse has an in-house legal team possessing IR35 expertise, with one member of staff tasked with conducting status assessments.
However, when placing roughly 50 contractors each month, La Fosse’s manual processes create a substantial and unmanageable workload. Manually gathering and collating the necessary data to make status determinations and monitor engagements adds to an already overwhelming administrative burden.
Despite possessing limited resources, La Fosse is still expected by many of its large network of clients to help ensure ongoing compliance with the off-payroll legislation.

Automation diminishes workload
La Fosse enlists IR35 Shield Manager to underpin its off-payroll compliance efforts. An automated solution, IR35 Shield enables La Fosse to conduct comprehensive status assessments in volume while mitigating administration by providing a single centralised platform through which all relevant data is gathered and stored. Further reducing La Fosse’s administrative burden is the fact that IR35 Shield invites assessment input directly from the relevant parties. Questions are accompanied with supplementary information to ensure they cannot be misinterpreted by respondents, therefore diminishing the risk of inaccurate outcomes. Similarly, the resulting Status Determination Statements (SDS) provided by IR35 Shield detail the reasons behind each determination, making clients and contractors more receptive to the outcomes provided.
Compliance creates competitive edge
Having adopted IR35 Shield Manager as its off-payroll compliance solution, La Fosse is already experiencing several benefits beyond volume management, including:
“IR35 Shield has enabled us to offer an added value service that we otherwise would not have been able to provide to our clients. By underpinning our compliance offering, it has strengthened our reputation, while its own reputation has helped us get our clients on board with minimal fuss.”
Katherine Miller – Head of legal and audit, La Fosse Associates
“We are delighted to be working with La Fosse to aid their IR35 compliance, and have enjoyed helping them with educational webinars too. We also listen and learn from them too, which feeds into our ongoing roadmap to ensure we can deliver the best service we can.”
Dave Chaplin - CEO, IR35 Shield
The risk and perceived workload associated with the off-payroll legislation can be daunting. Whereas many recruiters will be concerned primarily with mitigating their own compliance burden, those who take steps to embrace their obligations and secure their supply chains could gain exposure to new opportunities. IR35 Shield Manager helps recruiters achieve this without subjecting themselves to the administrative burden that is so strongly associated with the legislation.